by karen on February 16, 2012

Interesting to read Edelman’s latest Trust Barometer 2012 report, which offers a fascinating snapshot into trust in organisations, institutions and government.

It is encouraging to see that trust in social media as a source of information has experienced the largest increase of all media sources (see p8 of the report).

The report also features a section of building organisational trust for the future (see p1, highlighting a future shift from the top three current operational style factors influencing trust in organisations; delivering consistent financial returns, innovator of products and highly regarded top leadership. It predicts that future trust in businesses will be influenced above all by societal factors, dominated by listening to customer needs and feedback, producing high quality products and services and treating employees well. Other prominent factors for the future include placing customers ahead of profits, crisis management capability and ethical business practices.

CEOs would be wise to take note of these findings and to integrate them into future strategy development.

2012 Edelman Trust Barometer: Executive Summary


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