by karen on June 26, 2011

Against the backdrop of the media’s current obsession with the apparent ‘demise’ of Facebook, following a traffic drop in the US, the latest ‘world map of social networks’ has been published by Vincenzo Cosenza. This has been collated from traffic data from Alexa and Google Trends for Websites. 

World Map of Social Networks

Points worthy of note here include:

  • Facebook is now the leader of 119 out of 134 countries analysed
  • Europe is now the largest continent on the network, with c.205m users out of c.700m in total
  • it is expected that The Netherlands and Brazil will be next to ‘surrender’ to Facebook’s dominance
  • Twitter and LinkedIn are on the rise on the US, Canada, Australia and large parts of Europe (esp. the UK, France & Germany)
  • in Russia, Odnoklassniki is waging a strong battle against VKontakte

Note that by all expert reports, the Facebook traffic ‘loss’ is a regular summer occurrence, and a natural function of a more mature social media platform, so perhaps a case of ‘tall poppy’ syndrome by the media?

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