by karen on December 10, 2013

My how this year has flown by, and we’ve been so busy in the office helping clients with social media and marketing, we’ve barely had time to attend to our own (note to self to ensure the ‘cobbler’s children’ are suitably shod in 2014!). On the plus side, we’ve managed to get another social media newsletter out (just ask us if you’d like to receive a copy, or of future ones).

It’s been a really interesting year, with more clients coming on board on monthly social media management packages, an upsurge in clients wanting help with their marketing strategy and marketing plans, and a recent flurry of new research enquiries. We’ve worked with some extremely interesting organisations and on some fascinating challenges!

It’s encouraging to see so many referrals coming from happy customers (thank you for supporting us!), and regular business networking is providing a steady flow of new enquiries and collaborative partners.

For 2014 we’re looking forward to expanding the team here, to continuing to grow our business, and to working with our selected marketing partners to take our clients’ businesses to new levels.

Wishing you all the very best for the holiday season and a happy and prosperous 2014!


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